Review of Planning Policies for NSW Child Care Centres

July 19, 2017

Navon Solutions has been involved with the approvals for numerous child care centres across Sydney, and it’s subsequently important to highlight that the NSW Government has released a new initiative to review the existing policies associated with the approvals of child care centres. This falls under the proposed Education and Child Care State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP).

The proposed changes include:

  • Enabling school-based child care to be assessed as exempt or complying development, slashing approval times
  • Ensuring all centre-based childcare development proposals are assessed using a single set of controls and guidelines
  • The establishment of detailed planning guidelines includes removal of onerous Council controls, such as the proximity to other centres and site area and dimensions.
  • Providing guidance upfront to assist developers and service providers to deliver high quality and safe child care facilities
  • Aligning the National Quality Framework for early childhood education for planning and building centres with NSW planning controls


In relation to these bold changes, Anthony Roberts, Planning Minister said: “The community have told us they want more quality child care that is more affordable, flexible and closer to home and jobs. To achieve this, a system that has clear regulation and planning arrangements is required. The proposed changes will streamline planning approvals for child care services to increase the supply of facilities and support families who are struggling to access quality care.”

One of the key issues associated with child care centre projects is that Council’s planning controls have been left outdated and are out of touch with the modern day child care centres. For example, some Councils still cap the number of children in their Development Control Plans (DCPs). This is often challenged because there are existing approved centres with more children than what was permitted. Also, larger sites can accommodate more children while fully complying with the building envelope controls and car parking requirements.

It is our hope that with the adoption of the Education and Child Care SEPP, expected in late 2017, the approvals of child care centres will be streamlined, quicker and easier.


Want More Info?

For your child care centre project needs contact us on 8355 7108
Draft Planning Policy- NSW Department of Planning and Environment



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